Volunteer Opportunities for Master Gardeners

Master Gardener interns can earn hours toward certification with opportunities to help spread information in the community about good conservation techniques, plant information and landscaping assistance. Other volunteer opportunities become available throughout the year for already certified master gardeners and interns.

Ask A Master Gardener

Telephone Assistance  at Bigger House , Glencairn Garden

Hotline 803-324-4177

Fridays, 10:00 AM-1:00 PM, February through November

Betsy McClean Plant A Row (PAR) For The Hungry Garden

Located at Anne Springs Close Greenway, Ft. Mill

Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to Noon during growing season

Master Gardener Plant Sale

Dates and locations of sales as announced

Opportunities to plant, cultivate, nourish, and transport plants for the sale

Develop and produce crafts to sell at craft table

Assist in sales of plants and at information booth

Annual Master Gardener Joy of Gardening Symposium

Held on the last Saturday in February

Opportunities include set-up and take-down at venue, acquire donations for silent auction and MGYC sale table, produce cloth bags to hold information given to attendees, assist at information and registration table, serve as timekeeper during presentations and many other important activities.

Rock Hill Educational Garden

Located on Winthrop University campus across from District 3 stadium. 

Hours of Operation:  Saturday 9 to 10 AM.

The Rock Hill Educational Community Garden offers a place for community agencies, non-profit groups, students, teachers, and individuals to learn about the importance of gardening using organic methods and the value of working together to produce fresh food for those in need.

The Cultivar

Write and submit articles for the monthly newsletter.

Glencairn Garden Maintenance, Education, and Planting

First Friday 8:00 AM-11:00 AM

Other opportunities to volunteer, seasonally as announced

The White Home Workdays

Thursday, 8:30 AM to 1 PM

258 E White St., Rock Hill, SC 29730

Mentor Program for New Master Gardener Interns

Classes start in August Each Year

Contact Extension Agent, Paul Thompson


York County Extension Office, Landscape and Gardens

Contact Extension Agent, Paul Thompson


York County 4H Chapter Projects

Gardening programs at various elementary schools

Contact York Extension Office 803-639-9101 for specific information

York Soil and Water Conservation District

Aid in instructing elementary school children about plants and vegetable gardening.  Teach monthly lessons and/or assist with planting and harvesting.  Participating schools are in York County’s four school districts. Training provided.

For more information, contact Chastity Jones at chastity.jones@sc.nacdnet.net or 803-670-3018.